Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Wow, it's been awhile

It's been a while since I got on here and let you all know what was going on. I have a free moment and thought I'd share all the amazing things going on.

As you all know we have a building, but what you don't know is the next week we got an amazing sound system. I am blown away at how good this system is. I have a wireless hand-held microphone!!!! It is a thing of beauty. We also have decorated. We have hung up curtians around the wall to cover up the industrial look. We have chairs. We also have a projector, screen and eight can lights. This last Sunday, Easter, we had everything up and running and lights and words running on the projector. All of this in six weeks and we have no debt!!! Isn't God good.

There have been te normal growing pains that come with a stretch of faith like this, but all in all God is so good. We have a couple of guys that are coming in to play guitar, and the week after next we will have a full band! How cool! I can't wait to hear what a full band will sound like!

So, now I must run, but I will get on again soon and let you know more.