Monday, February 23, 2009

The Begining

Let's Start at the begining. The Virkler's are off on an adventure. We have been asked to join Life Bible Church in Canton as the worship leader's, and.....We ACCEPTED! It's a very exciting and daunting task. We as a family have been a part of Cobb Vineyard for eight years, and Emily was there for six years prior to that. They are a big part of our lives and hopefully will remain so. Life Bible Church is a start-up church in every sense of the word. We are not splitting from another church, and we are not taking other members with us. It is a group of people with the same vision and call. There are no start-up funds, which means God gets to come in and be BIG, which is just the best way to let God be.

This last Sunday, February 22nd, was our last day with Cobb Vineyard and a very bittersweet day for us. We had to say goodbye to seeing some very dear friends every week. There were tears and laughter, and we hope that we will be able to stay connected to them all, thus the birth of this blog. We were on the worship team there Emily for thirteen years and Jamie for seven, and the last year and a half was spent as worship leaders. We enjoyed every aspect of that and will miss the band alot.

So, what's in store for us now? Well, lots of things. We as a church are starting to try to secure a building so we can start have "offical" meetings. The first atempt is no going as planned. We kinda think that it is a closed door, but that just means we have to wait for the open one. We are starting to collect things to go in the building when we get it, for example, children's ministry items, a complete sound system, chairs for everyone to sit in, and the list goes on. We are all excited about coming in on the ground level and helping build this church. We know that we will work hard, play harder and love the hardest. We also know that through every step God will be with us directing our paths.

With Happy Hearts,
Jamie, Emily, Tate and Tristen Virkler