Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Wow, it's been awhile

It's been a while since I got on here and let you all know what was going on. I have a free moment and thought I'd share all the amazing things going on.

As you all know we have a building, but what you don't know is the next week we got an amazing sound system. I am blown away at how good this system is. I have a wireless hand-held microphone!!!! It is a thing of beauty. We also have decorated. We have hung up curtians around the wall to cover up the industrial look. We have chairs. We also have a projector, screen and eight can lights. This last Sunday, Easter, we had everything up and running and lights and words running on the projector. All of this in six weeks and we have no debt!!! Isn't God good.

There have been te normal growing pains that come with a stretch of faith like this, but all in all God is so good. We have a couple of guys that are coming in to play guitar, and the week after next we will have a full band! How cool! I can't wait to hear what a full band will sound like!

So, now I must run, but I will get on again soon and let you know more.

Sunday, March 8, 2009

We Got A Building!

Well, LBC is up and running with full force. God provided us with in about a six week span to get the funds and sign the lease on a building. We are amazed. I hope to have some pictures soon to post to the site so you all can see. The address is 124 P. Rickman Industrial Drive, Canton, Ga. It is a 3,000 square foot space that has a lobby, two class rooms, a kitchenette, and a warehouse space that we will build out to use as our sanctuary. We are so excited. This week we signed the lease on Friday at 5pm and bought some chairs (30) and they were filled this week and our children's ministry is breaking at the seams. We have been extremely blessed. I don't know if I've ever heard of a church that had it's first meeting and by the second meeting had a building. He's just too good to us!
It was also our Pastor Malcolm's birthday today! We got to celebrated his life in our new building. That was was pretty awesome.
So that's all the news, I will keep writing updates as we come along with the building out of the sanctuary. Much love and blessings from our camp to yours.

Jamie, Emily, Tate and Tristen Virkler

Sunday, March 1, 2009

Our First Meeting and other news.

Hello Family & Friends,

We had our first meeting this morning March 1st. It was very fitting I think for our first meeting to start on the first day of the month and it snowed! How awesome is God! Jamie and I got to lead worship and we did four songs:

1) Your Love is Extravagant
2) Inside Out
3) Mighty to Save
4) Breathe

Malcolm, is not only our pastor, but plays guitar too, and he played for us while we sang. We hope to find someone to replace him so he doesn't have to think about playing, and can focus on all the wonderful messages the Lord is giving him.

The message today was wonderful. Malcolm talked on Phillipians 2:1-11. We were challenged to be humble, and in being humble then the Lord will exalt you. He also challenged us with being deep-spirited friends. For me, I know that I am still trying to work through all that that means, but I am excited about it.

For today we met in Malcolm and Amy's clubhouse. We had about 15-18 people there and I think almost as many kids! It was loud and loads of fun.

On Saturday Feb 28th, we all walked through a space that we are hoping we can get. It is about 3,000 sq ft and already built out. It has a lobby, two really nice bathrooms, a small kitchenette; perfect for our coffee bar, two what used to be office spaces, but we would use them for classrooms, then it has a big unfinished area that we would use for our sanctuary. We will need to get chairs, a sound system, and a projector. We all have faith that God will provide for His church, but we still covet your prayers.

The location of the space is right down the street from some places where we can go and be the hands and feet of God. right now we don't know what the community needs, but we would like to have a food pantry, clothes closet, grocery gift cards, and then anything else that people might need.

Sooo, we do need your prayers. We need a building, we need chairs, we need a sound system, we need some muscians. For Jamie and I personally, we need prayer of covering, prayer for our finances, and prayer for direction on housing.

Thank you for all of you who are keeping up with us. We would love to hear from you through comments, e-mails or phone calls. We hope that these posts are encouraging and uplifting. We hope that they touch your heart and show you that there is no greater thing than being in obediance to God. It is unbelievable what He can do with willing hearts, hands and feet. Much love to all of you.

Jamie, Emily, Tate and Tristen Virklerhttp://www.lifebiblechurch.com/

Monday, February 23, 2009

The Begining

Let's Start at the begining. The Virkler's are off on an adventure. We have been asked to join Life Bible Church in Canton as the worship leader's, and.....We ACCEPTED! It's a very exciting and daunting task. We as a family have been a part of Cobb Vineyard for eight years, and Emily was there for six years prior to that. They are a big part of our lives and hopefully will remain so. Life Bible Church is a start-up church in every sense of the word. We are not splitting from another church, and we are not taking other members with us. It is a group of people with the same vision and call. There are no start-up funds, which means God gets to come in and be BIG, which is just the best way to let God be.

This last Sunday, February 22nd, was our last day with Cobb Vineyard and a very bittersweet day for us. We had to say goodbye to seeing some very dear friends every week. There were tears and laughter, and we hope that we will be able to stay connected to them all, thus the birth of this blog. We were on the worship team there Emily for thirteen years and Jamie for seven, and the last year and a half was spent as worship leaders. We enjoyed every aspect of that and will miss the band alot.

So, what's in store for us now? Well, lots of things. We as a church are starting to try to secure a building so we can start have "offical" meetings. The first atempt is no going as planned. We kinda think that it is a closed door, but that just means we have to wait for the open one. We are starting to collect things to go in the building when we get it, for example, children's ministry items, a complete sound system, chairs for everyone to sit in, and the list goes on. We are all excited about coming in on the ground level and helping build this church. We know that we will work hard, play harder and love the hardest. We also know that through every step God will be with us directing our paths.

With Happy Hearts,
Jamie, Emily, Tate and Tristen Virkler